Thursday, November 6, 2014

Surge Is Back!

No burger news this week but here is something cool. This morning on my way into work I stopped at the deli for Bacon Egg and Cheese on a Hard Roll. Looking for something to drink in the coolers, I found a can of Surge. I grabbed it quick and looked at it more closely. Did I step though a temporal warp? Was it 1995 again? Who cares? I had it in my hand and I wanted it. Well I didn't look at the price and I bought it. So at lunch today I cracked the can and poured it out into a clear cup. The color is the same as I remember. The taste is the same. The smell is the same. Now I need to find a place that makes a burger and sells Surge. Then I would have found my time machine. Let your friends know! Awesomeness is back and it's name is Surge.